Episode #70 – Brian Siewert – Thou shalt love the rural church

Brian Siewert is the pastor of a small rural church in Onoway, Alberta. He works with a rural church hub collective in Western Canada. His own experiences gives a personal touch to the love of the rural church.

Rural church ministry and family faith development.0:00

Small church significance and rural ministry.4:39

The strengths and challenges of rural churches in Canada.8:59

Resource challenges in rural churches.14:00

Challenges facing rural churches and pastors.19:04

The challenges and solutions for rural church leaders.24:45

Episode #67 – Sam Reimer – Small Churches Caught in the Current

Sam Reimer has just completed a research book called – Caught in the Current: British and Canadian evangelicals in an age of self-spirituality. Reimer speaks to self-discovery and identity in a changing society – with the locus of authority changing from external to internal (religion of the heart). Included is a discussion on the place of denominations in Canada, the turn towards Holy Spirit direction, and the inner voice of the heart taking the place of the external voice of God.

Episode #60 – Kyle Boone – Small churches are affected by Domestic Abuse

Kyle Boone is a pastor in the town of Hamden, Ohio. He has done extensive research into the effect of domestic abuse pertaining to small church ministry. Statistically one in four church attendees will have been in a domestic abuse situation. Do you know how to recognize this and effectively minister in this situation. Hear what Kyle has to say.

Episode #55 – Wayne Neumiller – Second Time Around

Wayne Neumiller has served a small church in Irma, Alberta – two times! Returning to the same church has meant assessing the viability of a return and preparing for a succession. Practical and principled advice is given by Wayne.

Episode #54 – Calvin Andringa – Fresh and ready to go!

Calvin Andringa is the pastor of Tofield Alliance Church, a small church just outside of Edmonton, Alberta. He has served the church for the last 30 years and has learned some valuable lessons. Calvin shares these thoughts with humility, vision and passion.