Episode #62 – Wendy Kittlitz – Why Clergy Care and Kerith Retreats?

Wendy Kittlitz oversees both the Clergy Care efforts of Focus on the Family Canada as well as the Kerith Retreat Centres run by Focus on the Family. In this episode she touches on some of the following (with some help from Zoom AI companion):

Pandemic Challenges and Self-Care for Frontline Leaders:

Ron and Wendy discussed the challenges faced by frontline leaders during and after the pandemic. Wendy highlighted burnout among her staff and the need for a marriage intensive program to help couples manage conflict. They also discussed the content and format of their 7-day retreat, which offers a blend of relaxation, teaching sessions, and private sessions with the Ministry Leader couple. The use of Myers Briggs Type Indicator and Taylor Johnson Temperament Analysis was also discussed to help pastors understand their personality types and emotional states. Wendy emphasized the importance of self-care and building resiliency for pastors. Finally, Wendy stressed the importance of purposeful planning, self-care, and resiliency building as catalysts for change in the ministry world.

Emotional Health and Spirituality in Ministry:

Wendy and Ron discussed the importance of emotional health and spirituality in ministry. Wendy emphasized the need for pastors to seek support and not try to go it alone. She also shared about the resources and services they offer, including counseling and Kerith Retreats, and encouraged pastors to take advantage of them.

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