Episode #61 – Matt and Sue Craig – Welcoming newcomers – stupid things we do and wise things we can do

Matt and Sue Craig minister in a small church in the Toronto area. What once was a predominantly white caucasian area has become a multiplicity of cultures. Hospitality is vital, respect of others and listening carefully are a vital part of ministry to a world culture.


  • Ministry background and experiences in a small town and urban setting.0:14
    • Matt Craig grew up in a small town in Ontario and spent 7 years doing youth ministry before moving to Toronto and joining the staff at Don Valley Bible Chapel.
    • Sue, Matt’s wife, has a background in children’s ministry and has been involved in various church programs over the years.
  • Welcoming newcomers and immigrants in a Toronto church community.2:26
    • Sue Craig shares her journey from immigrant to Christian ministry, including working with newcomers and running children’s programs.
    • Matt Craig emphasizes the importance of adopting a learning attitude and treating newcomers like family to welcome them into the church community.
    • Sue shares that simply asking newcomers about their background and story can go a long way in making them feel welcome.
  • Hospitality, ministry, and connecting with newcomers in Canada.8:39
    • Matt Craig highlights the importance of hospitality in other cultures, suggesting that inviting someone for coffee or a meal can be a significant gesture of acceptance and good standing.
    • Matt and Sue Craig discuss their experiences serving newcomers to Canada, including practical needs such as language support and meal provision.
    • Sue Craig shares personal experiences of connecting with others through Christmas dinners and community events.
  • Effective ministry to newcomers.14:54
    • Church starts monthly dinner program for working women, adapts to COVID-19 restrictions.
    • Matt Craig reflects on the importance of listening and understanding the needs of others, rather than making assumptions based on cultural stereotypes or language barriers.
    • Craig shares an example of discovering the hidden qualifications and aspirations of a person they were initially perceived as “slow” or “uneducated,” highlighting the importance of taking the time to truly listen and understand others.
  • Serving others, gospel conversations, and cultural sensitivity.19:52
    • Matt Craig emphasizes the importance of serving together to meet practical needs, regardless of religious backgrounds.
    • Matt Craig shares his thoughts on serving together with people of different faiths, avoiding the mistake of putting oneself above others.
    • Matt Craig emphasizes the importance of prioritizing Jesus over political activism.
  • Effective newcomer ministry in small churches.26:08
    • Matt Craig highlights the challenges of engaging with new immigrant families in Canada, particularly when it comes to discussing sensitive topics like LGBTQ+ issues and political activism.
    • Craig emphasizes the importance of keeping the gospel at the forefront of these conversations, rather than getting lost in the issues themselves.
    • Matt Craig emphasizes the importance of leading by example in newcomer ministry, rather than just encouraging others to practice hospitality.
    • Sue Craig suggests that small churches should lead by example and show hospitality to newcomers in order to be effective in ministry.

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