Episode #83 – Jordan Abbott – Living Urban in a Small Church

Jordan Abbott, pastor at Capstone Church in Calgary, discusses the church’s journey and mission. Capstone, planted 10 years ago, aims to reach unreached people and plant churches. Abbott emphasizes community, diversity, healing, and justice as core values. The church has two expressions: Capstone East and Capstone West. Capstone East, led by Abbott, focuses on family-centric …

Signs Of Life – Seven reasons I’m for this book.

McAlpine, Bill, Joel Tiessen, Keith Walker, Arch Chee Keen Wong. Signs of Life – Catholic, Mainline, and Conservative Protestant Congregations in Canada. Tyndale Academic Press / Canadian Bible Society. 2021. I’ve often read books starting in the last chapters and then reading from the front. Although any good fiction writer decries my desecration of the …