Episode #59 – Taylor Croissant – Can Canadian Denominations Survive?
Taylor Croissant serves as United Church minister in Lethbridge, Alberta. He has been concerned that denominations in Canada need to take a hard look at how they work – and if they work!
• Introducing Taylor Croissant. (0:00)
• In the final year of my studies, we had an exchange program with our sister college in South Korea. (3:17)
• Two Hills was the best place for him to work. (5:06)
• The impact of the pandemic on the United Church of Christ’s governance structure. (9:26)
• What would a full organic union look like? (11:57)
• How much authority does the church give to governing bodies? (15:33)
• How do you see a federation and groups that are outside the federation but nevertheless contributing to the federation? How would you see that working? (17:49)
• The issue that separates people within Canada is LGBTQ. (22:24)
• Worship style is going to be another thing that separates people out in Korea. (24:08)